Our plugin has a feature Review for Discount that enables store owners to send discount coupons to customers who left reviews. It helps to boost loyalty and grow repeat purchases by automatically creating new coupons for customer reviews. The plugin sets fair rules for coupon creation – customers will be awarded with a coupon regardless of how positive or negative their review is. It is also possible to use Discount Tiers to customize which coupon will be sent to a customer depending on how many media files (photos or videos) they attached to their review.

Discount Tiers enable you to set rules that will tell the plugin which coupon to send to a customer. Let us see how to configure and use the Discount Tiers.

1. Start by navigating to the Review for Discount tab in the plugin's settings (Reviews > Settings).

2. Make sure that Enable Review for Discount checkbox is enabled.

3. Next, let us configure three discount tiers according to these rules:

  • Discount Tier 1: Reviews without media files (photos or videos) will be awarded with an existing coupon for 5% discount 
  • Discount Tier 2: Reviews with one media file (photo or video) will be awarded with a new automatically created coupon for 10% discount
  • Discount Tier 3: Reviews with two or more media files (photos or videos) will be awarded with a new automatically created coupon for 15%

4. To set up the plugin according to these rules, we need to specify appropriate values in Photos/videos uploaded and Coupon type fields as shown on the screenshot above.

5. Then, we need to scroll down and configure the settings for each of the discount tiers according to the rules we want the plugin to follow: an existing 5% coupon for the Discount Tier 1, 10% coupon for the Discount Tier 2, and 15% coupon for the Discount Tier 3.

6. If necessary, we can use any other available settings to customize coupons for each of the Discount Tiers.

7. After we are done with the settings, let us save them using Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

8. Now, let's test the configuration that we created using Email Testing tool. It can be used to simulate emails with discount coupons that will be sent to customers depending on how many media files (photos or videos) they attached to their reviews.

This is it! We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any questions about the plugin, please don't hesitate to post them on our support forum or submit a ticket to our support team (available for customers with Pro licenses).