Our plugin offers two options for collection of customer reviews:

  • Without verification
  • With verification

You can read more about these options and switch between them on the Review Reminder tab of the plugin's settings.

'No Verification' Option

If you chose the 'No verification' option, then notifications about new reviews will be sent via the standard WordPress functionality for notifications about new comments (because reviews are stored as comments in WordPress). The standard WordPress notifications are sent for each product, so if an order includes multiple products, WordPress will send an email per product.

If you do not receive these notifications, please check if they are enabled in the standard WordPress settings (Settings > Discussion > Email me whenever). Tick or untick checkboxes for notification emails as necessary and WordPress will start or stop sending an individual email about each new review.

These notifications will be sent to the Administration Email Address configured in the general WordPress settings (Settings > General). So, please make sure that you have specified a valid email address in that field.

'Independently Verified' Option

If you chose the 'Independently verified' option, then notifications about new reviews will still be sent via the standard WordPress functionality. So, please check all the points from the previous section.

However, in addition to the standard WordPress emails with notifications about new comments (reviews), CusRev will also send an email with a summary of reviews for each product in the order. The email will be sent to the email address that is specified in the Email for Notifications field in the Review Reminder template on the Emails tab of the plugin's settings.

More Questions?

We hope that this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions about the plugin, please don't hesitate to post them on our support forum or submit a ticket to our support team (available for customers with Pro licenses).