Our plugin supports the collection of reviews through an aggregated review form with the "Independently verified" setting. In this scenario, verified copies of reviews are published on CusRev.com, providing a wider audience for your product or service reviews.

There might be instances where new reviews are visible on your site but no verified copies are published on CusRev.com. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that only reviews submitted from review forms created when the "Independently verified" setting is enabled will be displayed on the CusRev.com website.

To ensure the collection of new verified reviews for your store, you need to check and configure the following settings:

1. Reviews > Settings > Review Reminder > Verified Reviews

"Independently Verified" - This setting ensures that reviews will be collected via a form hosted on CusRev.com and their verified copies will be displayed on CusRev.com.

2. Reviews > Settings > CusRev.com > Mode
Set the mode to "Live" and provide a valid "Page URL". This will enable the plugin to display verified copies of reviews on CusRev.com.

How to check if a verified copy of a review was published on CusRev.com?

In the admin area ("Reviews" page), verified reviews collected in the "Live" mode will be labeled "via CR" and accompanied by a green checkmark. This label indicates that the reviews have been independently verified and their copies have been published to CusRev.com.

By following these settings, you can enhance the visibility of verified reviews for your store, both on your site and on CusRev.com. Make sure the plugin is configured correctly to ensure the seamless collection and display of reviews.

More questions?

We hope that this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions about the plugin, please don't hesitate to post them on our support forum or submit a ticket for our support team (available for customers with Pro licenses).